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Definitive Guide on How Many Watts Does a Windows AC Use?

Definitive Guide on How Many Watts Does a Windows AC Use?

With the extreme heat that the world is experiencing, more homes find it necessary to have an air conditioner. One such air conditioner is a Window AC. But what is a Window AC exactly? This type of air conditioner is a miniature version of the types you often encounter. It also works similarly to most ACs, drawing hot air out of the room and releasing it outside while blowing cold air through a fan on the inside. In a nutshell, a window AC is a small AC placed in the frame of a window, hence the name.

Benefits of Using a Window AC

Like other compact machines, a Window AC has obvious pros that people like. Some of these pros you might consider are the following:

  1. Minimalist Design. If you are a minimalist person, then a Window AC is perfect for you. It does not clutter much and has a simple design.
  2. Efficiency and Effectiveness in Small Spaces. An air conditioner's effectiveness and efficiency depends on the room size it needs to cool. The larger the room, the larger the air conditioner should be. Given the size of a window AC, it is unsurprising that it will be ideal for only small spaces.
  3. Low Cost. This is one of its prime advantages compared to other ACs. Window ACs are comparatively priced below split types, central types, and smart air conditioners.
  4. Lower Consumption. Aside from a lower price tag, window ACs also do not require much to run. Unlike others (especially central air conditioners), window ACs consume less electricity, often within the range of 500 – 1400 watts, a far cry from the 3500 watts consumption typical of central units.
  5. Outside Draining. Some air conditioners require owners to constantly empty a water tray every now and then. But a window AC does not have that kind of inconvenience since the water drain on the back of the air conditioner is placed outside.
  6. Easy Maintenance. A window AC only requires a once-a-year cleaning of filters and coils. Aside from that, you can use it as is all year round.
  7. Space Efficiency. Given its overall design of being fit into a window, a window AC, therefore, consumes nothing out of your floor space. While this may seem irrelevant to some, this is highly beneficial if you live in a tiny house or your room has limited space.
  8. Flexibility. A window AC is highly flexible, provided the room it needs to cool is small. It can cool small apartments, dorm rooms, bedrooms, and small offices.

How to Calculate the Energy Use of a Window AC?

If you have a small budget but need an air conditioner to counter the intolerable heat, you need to factor energy consumption into your decision of what window AC to buy. Calculating energy consumption may seem complicated, but it is not. There are three ways that you can use to do this, and these are:

  • Amp requirement. The amp requirement gives you the amp the AC draws. This does not require computation as this is usually written in the package.
  • By wattage consumption. To get this, you must multiply the amp requirement by your outlet’s voltage, like 120v or 240v.
  • Kilowatt/hour. This measurement is the most important if you are calculating how much it will cost you. To get this figure, first, multiply the amps by the watts. After that, divide the product by 1000. The quotient will show you how much it will consume an hour. To make it less abstract, find how much your electricity provider charge per kilowatt/hour and multiply it with the quotient.

What Size Generator Do You Need for Window ACs?

With the ever-increasing cost of electricity and the perennial chance of power outages, it will not hurt to have a generator to power your air conditioners and other appliances. Strictly speaking, a 1000-watt generator can power a small to medium while a 2000-watt can be used to run a large window air conditioner and other appliances.

But if you buy one, it will be good if it does not depend on diesel or any petrol product. The ideal option is those that harness renewable sources like the sun. A perfect example of this is the Anker Solar Generator 757. Anker Solar Generator 757 has three solar panels that can reach up to 80% charge in 3.6 hours with direct sunlight. Even on cloudy days, this solar generator can convert up to 23% of sunlight into solar energy. This solar power translates to a capacity of 1229 Wh and 1500 wattage. Given these power specifications, Anker Solar generator 757 can undoubtedly power up to medium-sized Window ACs in addition to some small appliances.

Moreover, this generator is designed to last for a decade with its long-lasting proprietary technology InfiniPower, combined with LiFePO4 batteries, ultra-durable electronic components, a smart temperature control system that monitors temperature up to 100 times per second, and an impact-resistant structural design. And if you ever had a problem, you can rest well knowing that this comes with a 5-year full device warranty.

In conclusion, window air conditioners are a great way to beat the heat without breaking the bank. Although they can vary in size and power usage, you can typically expect a window AC to consume about 1500 watts of electricity for larger models and 1000 watts for smaller ones. Despite their energy consumption, Window ACs prove to be an affordable and effective solution to hot summer days and nights. With proper maintenance and eco-friendly settings, you’ll be able to enjoy your AC year-round. Whether it’s due to convenience or cost-effectiveness, Window ACs are here to stay as one of the most popular cooling solutions on the market.


Will a 2000-watt generator run an air conditioner?

Yes, a 2000-watt generator is big enough to power an air conditioner. Depending on the air conditioner, even a 1000-watt generator will suffice, provided that no other appliances will be used. In the case of a 2000-watt, it can power a large window AC or a small-medium window AC in addition to some appliances.

How many watts does an 8000 BTU air conditioner use?

BTU stands for British Thermal Unit, a unit of measurement specifically used to measure how much energy an air conditioner consumes in an hour of removing heat from indoor air. An 8000 BTU air conditioner is a medium, so its consumption is not that much, peg at fewer than 715 watts.

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